“Buddha’s Bookshelf” 〈Book Club〉– Online

The “Buddha’s Bookshelf” is a book club reading group where participants discuss recent books on Buddhism and share their unique perspectives in a warm and friendly environment, facilitated by Dr. Dominick Scarangello.
Current Reading material: “the Stories of the Lotus Sutra” by Gene Reeves
Time and Date
10:00am – 12:00noon (Tokyo time) on the 2nd and 4th Saturday of every month
Online (Zoom)
P. K.
Buddha’s Bookshelf was founded in 2024 by Dominick Scarangello. We meet on ZOOM usually on the second and fourth Saturday morning 10:00 to 12:00 (Japan Time). By a short shared text each time everyone has a chance to join in the discussion (all in English). So far each meeting has focused on one chapter in Gene Reeves, “Stories of the Lotus Sutra.” Reeves (1933-2019) picked up the important stories/images/personages from each chapter in the Lotus Sutra with deep understanding of Buddhism and a background in process theology and social/peace and civil rights/inclusion activism from his years as a Unitarian minister, theologian and educator. Reeves (after sixty) spent two decades in Tokyo and was a founder of IBC. Scarangello facilitates and sometimes adds historical and linguistic nuances and the perspectives of Tendai, Nichiren or Rissho Koseikai teachings to explain points raised. Above all it is a chance for enthusiastic discussion and deepening personal understanding, not passive listening to a lecture.
R. W.
I find Buddha’s Bookshelf a lively, thought provoking and thoroughly enjoyable study experience. A diverse group of individuals including scholars, reverends, long-time Buddhist practitioners and relative newcomers, join together bi-weekly to discuss the major themes, imagery and ideas contained in Gene Reeves’s compelling book, ‘Stories of the Lotus Sutra’. It is one of the learning activities that I most look forward to.