About IBC
Established in 2001, the International Buddhist Congregation (IBC) of Rissho Kosei-kai aims to disseminate the teachings of the Buddha Dharma in English and various other languages, particularly to foreign residents of Japan. Our community, both online and in person, provides a welcoming space where individuals can support each other in cultivating and applying the wisdom and compassion of the Buddha in their daily lives.

Dear Friends,
Welcome to the website of the International Buddhist Congregation (IBC).
My name is Shoko Mizutani. I began serving as the minster of IBC in December 2023.
IBC is a global Buddhist sangha of Rissho Kosei-kai, founded in 2001 to share the teachings of Buddhism and the Lotus Sutra with foreign residents of Japan.
We began IBC as an English-language sangha, and have expanded by creating sanghas for speakers of Vietnamese, Bengali, and other languages.
From which country did you come to Japan?
There are many countries in the world, but you have chosen Japan as your place to work, study, and live. Thank you for choosing Japan!
How long have you been living in Japan?
Some of you may have just arrived, some of you may have been living in Japan for several years, and some of you may have been living in Japan for much longer.
I learned that moving to a foreign country is one of the most stressful changes in one’s life. Also, the Japanese language is very difficult to learn. Studying, working, and raising children in Japan can also be very challenging at times.
However, I am confident that you have been working very diligently to build your new life in Japan.
From anxiety to peace of mind.
From frustration to hope.
From conflict to harmony.
And a happier life.
These are the Buddha’s wishes for us.
Buddhism is truly a teaching that opens the infinite potential of everyone’s life.
The founder of Kosei-kai, Rev. Nikkyo Niwano, taught the truth to which Shakyamuni Buddha awakened in a way that is easy to understand for us living in the contemporary world.
He also encouraged us to practice the teachings in our daily lives.
We experience peace and joy within ourselves when we walk the path and encounter positive events in our lives.
We invite you to join us to practice Buddhism together.
We want to be your stronghold. We also want to be there to illuminate your path when you are troubled by doubts and worries.
We are sincerely looking forward to meeting you.
I hope that your life in Japan will be full of happiness and fulfillment.
With deep respect,
Shoko Mizutani
Minister of IBC